Sharkwater is a 2006 Canadian documentary film written and directed by Rob Stewart. Helping to protect sharks, changing government policy, and inspiring the creation of shark conservation groups, Sharkwater is considered one of conservation's success stories, resulting in shark finning being banned in over 90 countries.
Umweltaktivist und Dokumentarfilmer Rob Stewart begab sich für diesen Folgefilm von SHARKWATER erneut auf eine gefährliche Mission, bei der einmal mehr deutlich wurde, was mit uns und unserem Ökosystem passieren wird, wenn die rücksichtslose Tötung von Haien aus Profitgier weiter voranschreitet.
Discovering that sharks are being hunted to extinction, and with them the destruction of our life support system - activist and filmmaker Rob Stewart embarks on a dangerous quest to stop the slaughter. Following the sharks - and the money - into the elusive pirate fishing industry, Stewart uncovers a multi-billion dollar scandal that makes us all accomplices in the greatest wildlife massacre ever known.
Ungewöhnliche Titelhelden in einer spannenden und bewegenden Geschichte: Der faszinierende, in atemberaubend schöne Bilder umgesetzte Film Sharkwater ist weit mehr als nur eine qualitativ herausragende Dokumentation. Elegant verbindet er Schönheit und Grausamkeit des Lebens im Ozean miteinander.
Sharkwater is a 2006 Canadian documentary film written and directed by Rob Stewart. Helping to protect sharks, changing government policy, and inspiring the creation of shark conservation groups, Sharkwater is considered one of conservation's success stories, resulting in shark finning being banned in over 90 countries.
A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. An emotional and powerful drama starring Julianne Moore, Alex Baldwin and Kristen Stewart. Awarded with an Ocscar and Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress.
Der preisgekrönte Kinoerfolg mit Julianne Moore über eines der bewegendsten und emotionalsten Themas unserer Zeit. Ausgezeichnet mit Oscar und Golden Globe für die beste Leistung einer Hauptdarstellerin!
Whether someone is just discovering mindfulness or has been practicing for years, they’re sure to learn something new and be inspired to share the benefits of mindfulness with others as THE MINDFULNESS MOVEMENT continues to grow.
Ein leicht zugänglicher Film über die Wirkung von Achtsamkeit - der glaubensunabhängigen Fähigkeit, die das Leben von immer mehr Menschen der modernen Gesellschaft auf nachhaltige Weise verbessert.
This documentary, tells the story of Matías De Stefano, an Indigo child who was born in Venado Tuerto, Argentina in 1987.
THE SONG THAT CALLS YOU HOME is a personal, scientific and mystical exploration of Amazonian Curanderismo - with focus on Ayahuasca and Master Plants, their healing and visionary properties and risks - along with the wondrous world of the Shipibo shamanic culture.
For over 150 years scientists have been documenting phenomenons that seem to not fit into any box of the dimension we have chosen to label as „realtiy“. These psychological, pathological and physical manifestations are so far away from our daily truth, that we refer to the term of wonders, in order to give them a sense.